Cal 7168666676 for tickets
Call 7166947670 for tickets
Call 7166947670 for tickets for tickets
Call 7166557529 for tickets
Call or Text 7169464292 for tickets
Call 7165538275 for tickets
Call 7168437433 for tickets and info
Phone # For Reservations
(716) 946-7398
For tickets call 7163161378
Contact Marty at 7166854724 for tickets and tables
Meat Raffle Fundraiser for the team to go to States- Long Island, NY. $5 to enter- Beer and Soft Drinks included bring snack to share. There will be a 50/50 and a Basket Raffle. Also and if you can’t make it, I have tickets for the freezer full of meat and the wheel barrel of CHEER… so you still have a chance to win that stuff, they are $5 each or 3 tix for $10
$5.00 entry fee/Beer, Pop & Pizza
Basket Auction and Door Prizes
Bring your owns snacks – Bring $1.00 bills!
Contact Brenda Jankowski with questions (716)860-7669 or
Call 7163452031 for tickets
Call 5853436154 for more information
Call 7168682114 for tickets
Ticket admits 1 and gives you 2 slices of pizza, beer/pop/wine and enters player into our grand prize. You are allowed to bring in snacks for your party but no outside alcohol is allowed per NYS regulations.
Call rectory at 634-3420 for additional information or Marion Sobczynski at 445-6490
Call Lynn at 7162707765 for tickets