5.00 admission
can reserve tables of ten
1st Annual
3148 Abbott Rd, Orchard Park, New York 14127
Admittance $5 includes sandwich & refreshments.
50/50, meat raffle, theme tray auction, side raffles
Meats by Camillo’s Sloan Supermarket
Admission $2.00 I person Includes: Beer, Pop, and Sandwiches
Come join us for a night of fun and fellowship.
There will not be any tables reserved.
Doors Open at 5:30pm
Meats supplied by The Sloan Meat Market
Doors Open at 6:00 Raffles begin at 7:00
Admission: $5 – Includes 2 Beer/Wine, Snacks
Door Prizes – Raffle Baskets – 50/50 Splits
Meats by Camillo’s Sloan Super Market
Doors open at 6 pm, and the first spin is at 7 pm.
Doors open at 6PM, the first spin is at 7PM. Cost of admission is $3, which covers draft beer and pop, so bring your favorite snacks and lot of single dollar bills and support a very worthwhile cause! Most games are $1 and $2, and the Grand Finale is 1 ticket for $5, or 3 tickets for $10, and it is the Winner’s Choice of items during the Finale!!!
Doors open at 4:00pm Raffle begins at 5:00pm
Your $5.00 admission Includes Draft beer, soda, coffee, snacks & sandwich
Grand Prize Raffles include a 40 piece meat tray and others to be announced later
50/50 split
Admission: $5/person includes Snacks, Pop, Wine and Beer(guests are encouraged to bring their own pitchers!) Doors open at 6:30 PM, Raffles will start at 7:00 PM In addition to our regular exciting meat raffles and 50/50 raffles there will be four raffles where you can choose your own prize from our famous “Meat Cart”.