Chris Franco 432-7600. This event starts at 7 pm and reservations are preferred since it it host about 400 people.
Doors open at 12PM, with the first spin at 1PM. Admission is $5, which includes draft beer, pop, chips, and a slice of pizza.
Please call Joe Ligammare at 359-7907. Tickets and seating is limited, so call now to reserve your seat to help support the men and women who provide a valuable service to Lancaster and the surrounding area!!
This one fills up quick, so please call Tara Machowski at 361-8970 or Michelle Breen at 435-1945 for tickets or to reserve a table!!
$5 admission includes sandwich, beer, pop,or wine and chance at two fabulous door prizes – a large HDTV or a getaway package! Plenty of meat prizes, theme baskets and 50/50 raffles – fun for everyone! 21 yrs and up event, handicap accessibility. For more information call Mary Kay Falk (716) 697 – 5419.
Doors open at 6pm, First Spin is at 7PM. $5.00 admission includes beer, pop, wine and coffee
Prereserved tables of 8 – $32.00
10 Rounds plus 2 speed rounds
Call Courtney Adamo at 716-912-2262 or email at adamocourtney4@gmailcom for info or to reserve your table
Adults Only· Donation: $5.00
Ticket Includes Roast Beef Sandwich & Soda
For Pre-sale Tickets and Table Reservations
$10.00 – tickets include: 2 slices of pizza and unlimited pop, and beer
There will also be a freezer full of meat items raffled off as well
Doors open at 6:00 PM and drawing start at 7:00 PM
For more info, or to reserve a table, please call Karen at 826-1961 or 541-4562.
An Early Bird Special is being offered until September 30th, and if you reserve a table of 8, the admission is only $4 each!! For more info, or to reserve a table, please call Karen at 826-1961 or 541-4562.
Admission is $5.00 which includes a Door Prize Ticket, a slice of Pizza, Beer, Pop and snacks on the tables. For table reservations please contact: Jackie Schiersing – 262-5190 or at
Admission $5.00 Includes: Beer, Pop, Sandwiches, And Door Prizes
Table of 8 reserved for $28.00.
This is a new bigger venue. More seating is available.
Save a few dollars and reserve a table early.
Call Mark Wehrfritz: 868-4894 or Brian Crosby: 861-8157
Come join us for a night of fun and help Veteran’s at the same time.
Doors open at 6:00, First spin around 7:00
$3.00 admission Includes Beer, Pop, Coffee, Sandwiches
Presale tickets $5.00 at door if any left $7.00 we have lots of fun it includes roast beef or pizza and beer n wine pop water. We have a grand prizes and even a live auction . They can contact me
Stephanie oehler at 716 578 1189 for tickets
Our meat raffle is like a chinese auction basket raffle style.
Contact: Shawn at (716) 479-0765 for reservations!
Admission is 5.00 presale and 7.00 at the door the day of. All meat provided by Will Poultry.
Admission includes a sandwich, 2 drinks, table snacks, and door prize chance.
For Tickets and information call Ken Perry 523-1835 or the Elks Lodge 297-2727 and leave a name and number.
Admission tickets will be only $5. Tickets will include admission, beer, pop and pizza. Tickets are available at the door or buy purchasing from a Dance Spectrum Company family!
Doors open at 6
Raffle starts at 6:45 $5.00 admission includes roast beef sandwich, choice of beer and pop.
For tickets, please call 854-7577
$5 Admission Incl. Beer, Soda & Free Slice Of Pizza!
Links2loins@Yahoo.Com Or Call (716)202-4658 Leave Name, Phone# And How Many Coming
Admission is $10 per person and will include the Pork Chop Dinner and a chance to win a $100 grocery card to Wegman’s. Various meats will be raffled, as well as door prizes, and split club. Pop and munchies will be served as well.
Tickets are PRE-SALE ONLY, and limited to 200. Proceeds will benefit the expenses incurred from the clean up of the “Snowvember Storm”.
For Tickets call Gene at 646-0513 or Vince at 649-6308 or Mike at 822-0742 or the Rectory at 826-0880
$5 Admission Admission includes Beer & Pop * Bring your own favorite snacks
Advance Reservations For Table Of 8 For $35
For Tickets Call Kelly 550-1004 Or Dawn 880-5327
Doors open at 6pm
$5 pre sale or $7 at the door
Call Stephanie today #716-578-1189 and reserve your spot.
$10.00 ticket includes snacks, a slice of pizza, draft beet
Frigidaire 5 Cubic Foot Chest Freezer Raffle. Other Great Raffle Opportunities.
To reserve a table of 10 in advance, please call Erin at: 998-4740
$5 Admission includes beer, wine & pop. Advance reservations for a table of 8 is $40.
There will be raffles, 50/50 and much more. The grand finale of winner’s choice meat.
For Tickets call Tim 907-7365 or Cindy 907-8817
If you want to order tickets contact Marion at 445-6490 or Lynn Incardona at 270-7765
Tickets are $5 each (Tickets include Admission & Beer). Reserved table of 8 for $35. Must be 21 and over. Pre-sale tickets preferred.
To get tickets call or e-mail Nicole at 648-3924 /
$5.00 Admission Includes: (2) Glasses of Beer or Wine, Unlimited Pop & Snacks, Door Prize
Doors Open at 6:00 p.m. First Raffle Drawing 7:00 p.m.
50/50 Raffles and Basket Raffles
For Info or Tickets & Table Reservations: 228-2832 / 683-2112