Text or call Jeff at 7168616314 for table of 8 or more
Call Wendy at 716-523-5174 for tickets for tables of 8
Call 716-550-0721 for tickets or reservations
Call Ricky at 716-982-4028 for tickets
First spin at 7:00
Cal or text Kate at 716-870-9394
Tickets available at the Shrine Office
Contact Don Clark at 716-560-3725 for tickets
Visit www.buffalostatemeatraffle.eventbrite.com or call Jeannie at 716-882-1080 for tickets
Call Tim at 716-907-7365 or Cindy at 706-907-8817 for tickets
Call Megan at 716-435-7624 or email mtfreedenberg@aol.com for tickets
Call Diane at 716-897-3562 or Camile at 716-675-0493 for more information
Phone # For Reservations
(716) 926-2119
Phone # For Reservations
Call Mike (716) 548-8017
$5 Donation includes admission, draft beer, pop, a slice of pizza and entry into door prize drawings. We will have video style draws and there will be a basket raffle as well as special dinner package raffles. For pre-sale tickets please contact a club member or email us. Reserved tables available with an advance purchase of a minimum of eight (8) tickets. Please contact us at blarneyladies@gmail.com to purchase pre-sale tickets or to reserve your table while they last!
The BEST one of them all. No reservations β get in line and hope with the rest of us!