Phone # For Reservations (716) 655-7529
Local Chapter 1517, I.O.O.B. Club (Franklinville Aristocrats) will be holding a MEAT Raffle March 17th from 4 to 7 pm.
All proceed will be used for the I.O.O.B. Scholarship Fund, every year numerous area Seniors received scholarships, amount vary on their years in College.
Door prizes and St. Patrick’s Day shenanigans with DJ Roger playing 7-12 pm. The I.O.O.B. Club is located at 16 Park Square in Franklinville NY.
Phone # For Reservations | |
(716) 434-8948 |
call 8358905 for reserve seats
Phone # For Reservations
(716) 818-7446
Call 7168971167 for tickets
Phone # For Reservations (716) 204-5883
Phone # For Reservations
(716) 863-2440
Call 7164331886 for tickets
Call Amy 7163986352 or Call Danielle 7164441194 for tickets
Call 7166146255 for tickets
Call 7166627171 for tickets or go to to reserve a table
For table reservations contact Liz 7163610995
Call 7168278968 for ticket and info
Phone # For Reservations (716) 881-8230
Call Gary at 7168646491 for tickets
Call Tim at 7169077365 for tickets
Phone # For Reservations | |
(716) 319-4092 |
Weiss St. between Bailey Ave. & So. Ogden St. in Kaisertown. Admission is $5.00 and includes an entry for our Door Prize, Beer, Wine, Pop & a Ham or Turkey Sandwich. Doors Open at 6, Bar at 6:30 and first Meat round at 7pm. Our Door Prize is an Overnight Stay and Breakfast for 2 at the Millennium Hotel in Cheektowaga. There is also a TV Raffle, Basket Raffle, 50/50 Split and more….
Our Grilling Meats are being provided by the Market in the Square.
For tickets and information, contact Kathy @ 432-7755; Kevin @ 362-0199 or the Church Information Center on Friday’s @ 824-9589. Tickets will also be available at the door. No beverages will be allowed to be brought in, but you are welcome to bring in snacks.
Call 5855194250 for tickets
Call Tim at 7166869559