Call 7168971167 for tickets
Phone # For Reservations (716) 204-5883
Phone # For Reservations
(716) 863-2440
Call 7164331886 for tickets
Call Amy 7163986352 or Call Danielle 7164441194 for tickets
Call 7166146255 for tickets
Call 7166627171 for tickets or go to to reserve a table
For table reservations contact Liz 7163610995
Call 7168278968 for ticket and info
Phone # For Reservations (716) 881-8230
Call Gary at 7168646491 for tickets
Call Tim at 7169077365 for tickets
Phone # For Reservations | |
(716) 319-4092 |
Weiss St. between Bailey Ave. & So. Ogden St. in Kaisertown. Admission is $5.00 and includes an entry for our Door Prize, Beer, Wine, Pop & a Ham or Turkey Sandwich. Doors Open at 6, Bar at 6:30 and first Meat round at 7pm. Our Door Prize is an Overnight Stay and Breakfast for 2 at the Millennium Hotel in Cheektowaga. There is also a TV Raffle, Basket Raffle, 50/50 Split and moreβ¦.
Our Grilling Meats are being provided by the Market in the Square.
For tickets and information, contact Kathy @ 432-7755; Kevin @ 362-0199 or the Church Information Center on Fridayβs @ 824-9589. Tickets will also be available at the door. No beverages will be allowed to be brought in, but you are welcome to bring in snacks.
Call 5855194250 for tickets