For tickets and reserving a table of 10 call 7167772765
Phone number for presale tickets 716-480-7390
Phone # For Reservations
(716) 997-2186
Call or text 7166289300 for tickets and table reservations
Call or text 7168308107 for tickets
EMail for tickets
Call or text Maureen at 7162252990 for tickets
Call 7166842373 for tickets and tables of 8 or more
Call 7168358905 for tickets
Call Chad at 7165268395 for tickets and tables
Call Lisa 7166774928 to reserve a table
Call Christina for reservations 716-946-5479
Call 7169837852 for tickets
Phone # For Reservations
(716) 695-4935
Phone # For Reservations
(716) 462-0045
Phone # For Reservations
(716) 783-5088
Email for reserving a table
Call 7165356957 or email for tickets
Doors open at 5:30 First spin 6:30
Presale Tickets $8
At the door $10
Includes beer, wine and soda (no outside alcohol permitted)
***Bring your own snacks***
All proceeds benefit the Lancaster 9U travel baseball team
For tickets please contact Karen at
Call 7162287499 for tickets
Call 7169132944 for tickets and tables reservations
Call 7169979953 for tickets
Call 7166854724 for tickets
St. Gabrielβs Ladies Guild is sponsoring a Spin the Wheel Meat Raffle.
Doors open at 5:30, first spin at 6 pm. Admission is $5.00, includes beer, wine, pop & munchies.
There will also be 50/50 raffles, Theme Baskets, Gift Certificates , Small Appliance Raffle. For info. call 685-3986 or 868-6963