Meat Raffle Fundraiser for the team to go to States- Long Island, NY. $5 to enter- Beer and Soft Drinks included bring snack to share. There will be a 50/50 and a Basket Raffle. Also[...]
$5.00 entry fee/Beer, Pop & Pizza Basket Auction and Door Prizes Bring your owns snacks – Bring $1.00 bills! Contact Brenda Jankowski with questions (716)860-7669 or
Ticket admits 1 and gives you 2 slices of pizza, beer/pop/wine and enters player into our grand prize. You are allowed to bring in snacks for your party but no outside alcohol is allowed per[...]
What started as a few people going to a few raffles has grown into a large group attending one of these blessed functions almost every weekend.
I'm sure you have seen us out there!